हनुमानजी का प्रबंधन

हनुमान ही है जो हमें सिखाते हैं कि आम बने रहकर भी कैसे व्यवहार करें, कैसे बोलें, तैयारी करें, काम करें और जीएँ|


गुण पूजक भारतीय मान्यता में हर देवता की एक विशिष्ट छवि है| हनुमान की भी अपने प्रबंधन गुणों के साथ ऐसी छवि है जिसे हर युवा अपनाना चाहता है| आज देश के हर कोने में हनुमान का मंदिर मिल जाएगा| हनुमान ही हैं जो हमें सिखाते आम बने रहकर भी कैसे व्यवहार करें, कैसे बोलें, तैयारी करें, काम करें और जीएं| हनुमान कपि होने के बावजूद सुग्रीव की वानर सेना का भाग नहीं थे| उनका समर्पण राम के प्रति था और उन्होंने वानर सेना के साथ और उससे अलग रहकर भी राम की जो सेवा की वह आज तक अनुकरणीय है| रामायण में हनुमानजी का प्रबंधन राम के वनवास के दौरान दिखाई देना शुरू होता है|

वन में राम के मिलने के साथ ही हनुमान जी को लगता है कि उन्हें जो लक्ष्य था वह मिल गया है| इसके बाद उन्होंने खुद को सर्वस्व राम को ही समर्पित कर दिया| वर्तमान मैनेजमेंट में भी यही बात है कि मैनेजमेंट फील्ड में एक बार आप जिस कंपनी या प्रोफाइल पर जाते हैं, वहां अपना सौ फीसदी देना होता है| मैनेजमेंट का दूसरा सबसे महत्वपूर्ण काम है कंपनी के लिए आवश्यक  निर्णयों में उचित सलाह देना| हाँलाकि सीता की खोज और लंका पर विजय की यात्रा राम की थी, लेकिन सुग्रीव से दोस्ती करने, बाली का वध करने, सीता की खोज के लिए वानरों का प्रबंधन करने, रावण की सभा में दूत बनकर पहुँचने में उनका कौशल दिखाई देता है|इस काम के दौरान ही हनुमान अपनी खोई हुई शक्तियों को भी हासिल करते हैं|


राह को आसान बनाना

हो सकता है राम और लक्षमण अपने तरीके से सीता को खोज लेते अथवा रावण और उसकी सेना का वध कर देते, हनुमान के प्रबंधन गुणों ने राम की राह को आसान बना दिया| राम से मिलने के बाद उन्होंने बाली और सुग्रीव की लड़ाई के बारे में श्रीराम को जानकारी दी| बाली को मारने का तरीका बताया और सुग्रीव का राज्याभिषेक कराकर वानर सेना को साथ में लिया| इसके बाद शुरू हुआ सीता को खोजने का काम| एक स्मार्ट मैनेजर की तरह हनुमान ने खुद सबसे कठिन रस्ते को चुना और साथियों को अपेक्षाकृत सुगम रास्तों पर भेजा| काम में आई बाधा ने हनुमान की खोई शक्तियों को लौटा दिया|भले ही इस काम में जामवंत माध्यम बने, लेकिन अंततः हनुमान ने अपनी शक्तियों को वापस पा लिया| आधुनिक प्रबंधन में भी कमोबेश यही हालात होते है| कठिन परिस्तिथि न केवल अम्ल परिक्षण करती हैं, बल्कि प्रबंधन के गुणों में बढ़ोत्तरी भी करती है|


पूर्व तैयारी और त्वरित निर्णय

सीता की खोज के लिए रवाना होने से पूर्व हनुमानजी को पूर्ण विश्वास था कि उन्हें सीताजी मिल ही जाएंगी| ऐसी में उन्होंने राम से उनकी निशानी मांगी, ताकि वे सीता को भरोसा दिला सकें कि वे राम के ही दूत हैं| बाद में अशोक वाटिका में सीता के ऊहापोह को उसी अंगूठी को दिखाकर हनुमान ने ख़त्म किया था| आधुनिक मैनेजमेंट में भी कमोवेश ऐसे ही विश्वास और पूर्व तैयारियों की जरुरत है| प्रोजेक्ट की शुरुआत में ही भविष्य में आने समस्याओं के हल साथ लेकर चला जाए तो फंसने की आशंका कम रहती है|

सीता द्वारा पर पुरुष को नहीं छूने की स्थिति को हम प्रबंधन सीमा कह सकते हैं| हनुमान चाहते तो सीता को ज्यों का त्यों उठाकर ला सकते थे, लेकिन सीता उन्हें छू नहीं सकती थी| ऐसे में हनुमानजी ने सीमाओं को माना और राम व उनकी सेना के साथ लौटने का निर्णय किया| यह हनुमान का विपरीत परिस्तिथि में त्वरित निर्णय था|


गजब का आत्मविश्वास

अपने स्वामी में अगाथ आस्था और उनके लिए कुछ भी कर गुजरने की सोच को आज भी अपनाया जा सकता है| रावण के सैनिक द्वारा पकड़े जाने पर हनुमान ने अपना आत्मविश्वास नहीं खोया| उन्होंने राम के दूत के तौर पर रावण से बात की| जब रावण नहीं माना और उनकी पूंछ में आग लगा दी तो उन्होंने बिना शीर्ष नेतृत्व के संकेत का इंतजार किए अपने स्तर निर्णय किया और पूरी लंका में आग लगा दी| लंका में अपने पहले ही भ्रमण में हनुमान ने विभीषण की खोज भी की|

विभीषण ने हनुमान को अपना दुख बताया कि वे दांतों के बीच जीब्हा की तरह लंका में रह रहे है| चारों ओर अलग क्षमताओं वाले लोग हैं और वे खुद को वहां फंसा हुआ सा महसूस करते हैं| हनुमान ने इस स्थिति को समझा कि दुश्मन की नगरी में एक व्यक्ति को अपने पक्ष में किया जा सकता है| विभीषण पहले से श्रीराम के भक्त रहें हो, लेकिन लंका की अपनी पहली ही यात्रा में हनुमान ने उन्हें श्रीराम की सेना का हिस्सा बना दिया था| बाद में विभीषण ने ही राम को बताया कि रावण की नाभि में जमा अमृत कलश को नष्ट किये बिना रावण नहीं मर सकता|

सूक्ष्म और विराट रूप

हमेशा ताकत ही काम नहीं करती बल्कि समय और मांग के अनुसार अपने रूप में भी परिवर्तन करना पढता है| हनुमान ने ही सिखाया कि जब अपना विराट रूप दिखाना होता है और जब लंका में घुसना हो तो सूक्ष्म रूप भी अपनाना पड़ता है| मानव संसाधन के बदलते रूप में आज भी ऐसे कार्मिकों की जरुरत बताई जा रही है, जो संस्थान में हर तरह का काम कर सके|

उन्हें अपने मूल काम के अलावा कंपनी के अन्य विभागों के काम की जानकारी भी होनी चाहिए| आवशयकता होने पर वे संदेशवाहक अथवा मालिक के प्रतिनिधि के तौर पर काम कर सकें| इसमें भी मानव संसाधन विभाग की भूमिका जामवंत की तरह महत्वपूर्ण हो जाती है, जो हनुमान जैसे कार्मिकों को उनकी क्षमताएँ याद दिलाएं|



Aluminum DETOX

Aluminum is a toxic metal contributing to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. It affects the brain more than any other system of the body, impairing memory and cognition. Learn about aluminum toxicity and how you can detox it from your body and prevent dementia.

Studies show that toxic metals contribute to brain diseases by producing oxidative stress and aluminum is one of the worst offenders. It is proven that aluminum is linked to degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Toxic metals, like aluminum, replace nutrient minerals in enzyme binding sites. When this occurs, the metals inhibit, overstimulate or otherwise alter thousands of enzymes. An affected enzyme may operate at 5% of normal activity. This may contribute to many health conditions. Toxic metals may also replace other substances in other tissue structures. These tissues, such as the arteries, joints, bones and muscles, are weakened by the replacement process. Toxic metals may also simply deposit in many sites, causing local irritation and other toxic effects.

Aluminum impairs your body’s ability to excrete mercury by impeding your glutathione production — your body’s master antioxidant. Glutathione is your most important intracellular detoxifier, required for reversing oxidative stress. So, if your aluminum load is high, your body will potentially become more toxic from the mercury from, say, vaccines and fish because you are now on “aluminum overload” and your detoxification system no longer functions well. I highly recommend supplementing with this amazing supplement ACG Glutathione to increase glutathione production.

Sources of Aluminum

Aluminum hydroxide is used widely in pharmaceutical and personal care products. Food related uses of aluminium compounds include preservatives, fillers, coloring agents, anti-caking agents, emulsifiers and baking powders. Soy-based infant is also high in aluminum. Aluminum can be found in such every day items as:

  • Aluminum foil and tin foil
  • Animal feed
  • Antacids
  • Anti-perspirants
  • Auto exhaust
  • Baking powders
  • Beverages in aluminum cans (soda, beer, juice)
  • Bleached flour
  • Ceramic plates (leaded glazes)
  • Cigarette filters
  • Clays like bentonite and azomite
  • Color additives
  • Construction materials
  • Cookware
  • Cosmetics
  • Dental amalgams
  • Deodorant Stones and crystals
  • Drying agents
  • Fluoridated water increases leaching of aluminum from aluminum pots and pans
  • Insulated wiring
  • Milk products
  • Nasal spray
  • Pesticides
  • Processed cheese
  • Vaccines (it is used as a preservative in many vaccines)
  • Table salt
  • Tap water (aluminum is added to many municipal water supplies)
  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Toothpaste
  • Vaccines (it is used as a preservative in many vaccines)
  • Vanilla powder

Symptoms of Aluminum Toxicity

Aluminum toxicity presents itself in stages. Early symptoms include flatulence, headaches, colic, dryness of skin and mucous membranes, a tendency for colds, burning pain in the head relieved by food, heartburn and an aversion to meat. Later symptoms include paralytic muscular conditions, loss of memory, confusion and various forms of dementia.

Health Conditions Caused by Aluminum

Aluminum toxicity can cause a wide array of disorders spanning multiple health systems. It is important to recognize how greatly our bodies can be affected by this one toxic metal.

Nervous system — In animal studies, aluminum blocks the action potential or electrical discharge of nerve cells, reducing nervous system activity. Aluminum also inhibits enzymes in the brain (Na-K-ATPase and hexokinase). It may also inhibit uptake of important chemicals by nerve cells (dopamine, norepinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine).

Aluminum has the ability to produce neurotoxicity by many mechanisms. Excess, insoluble amyloid beta protein (A beta) contributes to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Aluminum promotes formation and accumulation of insoluble A beta and hyperphosphorylated tau. To some extent, Al mimics the deficit of cortical cholinergic neurotransmission seen in AD. Al increases Fe-induced oxidative injury. The toxicity of Al to plants, aquatic life and humans may share common mechanisms, including disruption of the inositol phosphate system and Ca regulation. Facilitation of Fe-induced oxidative injury and disruption of basic cell processes may mediate primary molecular mechanisms of Al-induced neurotoxicity. Avoidance of aluminum exposure, when practical, seems prudent. — RA Yokel

Behavioral effects — Dementia resulting from kidney dialysis related to aluminum toxicity causes memory loss, loss of coordination, confusion, and disorientation.

Digestive system — Aluminum reduces intestinal activity. It is used in many antacids. An excess may cause colic.

Here is a list of just some of diseases and health issues that can be caused by aluminum toxicity:

  • ALS
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Anemia and other blood disorders
  • Appetite loss
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Behavioral problems
  • Breast cancer
  • Learning delays
  • Colds
  • Colic
  • Colitis
  • Confusion
  • Constipation
  • Dementia
  • Dental cavities
  • Dental caries
  • Dry mouth
  • Dry skin
  • Energy loss
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Fatigue
  • Flatulence
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Hyperactivity
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Inhibition of enzyme systems
  • Kidney and liver dysfunctions
  • Learning delays and disabilities
  • Lowered immune function
  • Memory loss
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Numbness
  • Osteomalacia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Paralysis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Psychosis
  • Reduced intestinal activity
  • Senility
  • Skin problems
  • Spleen pain
  • Stomach pain
  • Ulcers
  • Weak and aching muscles

Chelators and How to Detox Aluminum

Curcumin research suggests that curcumin has a protective effect against aluminum-induced damage by modulating the extent of oxidative stress. It also decreases beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s, delays neuron degradation, chelates metals, decreases microglia formation, and has an overall anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect. Studies have shown that curcumin can help improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients.

Other Chelators and Antagonists include:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Fluoride
  • Vitamin C
  • Deferoxamine

Detox Supplements

Your body must have certain nutrients available to carry toxins and metals like aluminum out of the body. The most important for detoxing are vitamin C, glutathione, and R-lipoic acid. Without these nutrients,

your detoxification efforts can result in toxins and heavy metals building up in your liver, intestines, and kidneys with no means of exit, causing illness, organ failure and even death. These supplements can be taken daily. Additionally, we need to supplement the major vitamins and minerals daily to assist in detoxification. See all the detox supplements you need in the Myers Detox Store.

CytoDetox supports the body to naturally capture and eliminate toxins throughout the body. Unlike other detox products, these drops contain 100% natural binders that hold on to toxins tightly, delivered through a patent pending Liposomal Cellular Transport Technology™. The CytoDetox® detoxification formula provides a quick and safe whole-body detoxification support formula, and is unlike any other product available on the market .Get CytoDetox Zeolite!

Detox Aluminum with Mineral Power!

Presently, humanity is exposed to the highest levels of toxic metals in recorded history, up to several thousand times higher than even several hundred years ago due to industrialization. The danger of toxic metals in our environment is greatly aggravated due to low mineral content of our food supply, as well as the contamination of our food supply. If one does not consume preferred minerals in the diet, the body will pick up whatever toxic metals from the food, air, and water as substitutes. A key principle to remember is an abundance of essential minerals in the diet protects the body against toxic metals.

Myers Detox Protocol is the best program I have seen to remove all heavy metals from the body, including aluminum. Other methods, like chelation, only remove metals superficially and throw the body more out of balance because the body is using the metals for different purposes. And it does not correct body chemistry imbalances that promote heavy metal accumulation.

Myers Detox Protocol replenishes minerals the body needs, giving it energy, so that it can push the metals out when it is ready — when it no longer needs them. Metals can often to the same jobs as minerals, but when we are mineral deficient, the body is forced to accumulate metals to get certain processes accomplished in the body.

When investigating and addressing possible aluminum toxicity, we first perform a hair mineral analysis and then review the results to create a Myers Detox Protocol best suited for your specific body chemistry. Here are a few facts regarding aluminum levels revealed from a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (6):

  • Most hair tests indicate elevated hair tissue aluminum. This is not surprising as it is high in clay soils, in many foods and in the environment.
  • Hair levels may rise on retest hair mineral analyses during a Myers Detox Protocol program as more aluminum is mobilized from tissue storage sites.
  • Aluminum may be hidden. Hidden aluminum indicators include a hair manganese above 0.04 mg%, hair iron above 2 mg%, and perhaps elevated chromium or selenium. These elements collectively are called the ‘amigos’ or ‘friends’ as they are often found together.
  • A hair aluminum that is less than about 0.65 mg% or 6.5 parts per million is called a poor eliminator pattern for aluminum. This means that one has plenty of aluminum, but the body cannot eliminate it properly.
  • A hair aluminum level less than about 0.25 mg% is called a very poor eliminator pattern. The meaning is similar to a poor eliminator pattern, only more extreme. That is, the body is having difficulty eliminating its aluminum, which is a bad sign. For some reason, taking antibiotics can cause this difficulty. The antibiotics build up in the liver, apparently, preventing proper elimination of aluminum.

Myers Detox Protocol is not about diagnosing or treating any particular disease, but utilizes a hair mineral analysis to design a customized diet, supplement and lifestyle program to improve the entire body’s energy level, reduce stress and improve the metabolic rate of the body.

It can no longer be argued that aluminum does not have a role in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s — the evidence is very clear and growing. It really should not be surprising that people with aluminum toxicity display many of the same symptoms as those with dementia, Parkinson’s, ADHD, autism, and other neurological diseases, because of aluminum targets exactly these areas of your brain and nervous system.

The best way to protect yourself is to be careful about your choices in food and personal products and minimize your use of vaccines and other drugs that are often contaminated with aluminum. And detox the aluminum you have accumulated in your body to date!

Ready to Detox Your Body and Reset Your Brain?

I’ve created the “Ultimate Detox Checklist” that will help you improve your energy levels, brain function, and productivity.


1. Analytical Research Labs, Inc. “Mineral Information, Aluminum”. http://arltma.com/Mineral_Information/Aluminum.html.

2. Global Healing Center. “New Research Indicates Aluminum in Deodorant Linked To Breast Cancer”. March 23, 2009, Updated June 12, 2014. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/aluminum-and-breast-cancer/.

3. Global Healing Center. “Why I’m Concerned About the Dangers of Aluminum”. December 27, 2012, Updated on July 17, 2013. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/concerned-about-aluminum-dangers/.

The Bhagwatam says

Absolute age of the earth planet and the sun. Bhagwan Ved Vyas explains in the Bhagwatam that 155.52 trillion years have passed since Brahma originally created this planetary system, and this is the present age of Brahma.

The Bhagwatam says, “Brahma’s one day equals to 1,000 cycles of the four yugas (one cycle of four yugas is 4.32 million years). It is called one kalp. There are fourteen Manus in one kalp. For the same length of time there is the night of Brahma. This is called pralaya or kalp pralaya. At that time the earth planet and the sun along with three celestial abodes (bhu, bhuv and swah) enter into the transition period (and become uninhabited). During that period Brahma holds within himself all the beings of the material and the celestial worlds in a suspended state and sleeps. (The next day he again produces them and re-forms them as they were before.) In this way Brahma lives for two parardh (twice of 50 years). After that, there is a complete dissolution of the brahmand (the planetary system and its celestial abodes). This is called prakrit pralaya of the brahmand.” (Bhag. 12/4/2 to 6)

“Half of Brahma’s life is called parardh. One parardh is finished and the existing kalp is in the beginning of the second parardh (the first day of the 51st year of Brahma). The very first day of Brahma was the day when he himself was created by God Vishnu and it was called the Brahm kalp. The present running kalp is called Varah kalp (or Shvet Varah kalp).” (3/11/33,34,36)

“In this kalp six Manus like Swayambhuva Manu etc. have elapsed. The seventh Manu is the son of Vivaswan. He is the present Manu and is called Vaivaswat Manu.” (8/1/4; 8/13/1)

In the Bhagwat Mahatmya Bhagwan Ved Vyas reveals a great secret and says that this is the 28th dwapar (of Vaivaswat manvantar). Not in all, but sometimes at the end of the 28th dwapar of a kalp the supreme personality of God, Krishn, in His absolute loving form descends in the world on the land of Bharatvarsh and reveals His supremely charming playful Divine leelas; and that had happened in our age just about 5,000 years ago. (Bhag. Ma. 1/29)

According to the above information, Brahma’s age which is also the absolute age of our sun and the earth planet is: 50 years of Brahma x 720 days and nights x (1,000 x 4.32 million years of the four yugas, which is one day of Brahma) + 1,972 million years* (the existing age of the earth planet) = 155.521972 trillion years.

* One manvantar is: 308.57142 million years. Thus, 1851.4285 (6 manvantar) + 116.6400 (27 cycles of four yugas) + 3.8931 (the three yugas and the elapsed time of kaliyug) = 1971.9616 in 1998 AD.

One year of Brahma is of 360 days (and one month of Brahma is of 30 days). So, 360 x 50 = 18,000 days and nights of Brahma have elapsed. Thus, our earth planet and the sun have already been renovated 18,000 times. It’s a big figure, but reasonable if you think over it deeply, and again it is given by an all-knowing Divine personality.

Yajna Kunds

Yajna Kunds are basically reservoirs of energy or energy centers where all the divinity is invited and invoked. The shape of Havan kund is widely experienced to generate and store a special energy field, which possess bacteriostatic properties. The unique shape of the Agni Kunda (also called Havan Kunda) allows controlled generation and multi directional dissipation of energy. It acts as a generator of unusual energy fields and spreads them in its surrounding atmosphere.

Image result for types of havan kund

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As per the scriptures there are different types of Yajna Kunds which are made in following shapes.

  • Rectangular or Square
  • Triangular
  • Circular
  • Hexagonal
  • Yoni Kunda
  • Octagonal
  • Lotus-shaped and

Some of the common shapes are Chaturakara (Square Yajna Kund), Ardha Chandrakara (Semi Circle shaped Yajna Kund), Vrittakara (Circular Shaped Yajna Kund) and Trikonakara (Triangle Yajna Kund). The form of the Yajna Kund varies depending on the Sankalpa (Intent), Deity Prayed and Situation of the Yajamana. You may have seen the Square Shaped Yajna Kund as it is primarily used in the Yagya rituals. The square shape Yajna/ Yagya Kund is also called as Chaturastra Kunda or the Kund design made with four equal sides.

  • The Square Shape & is called Chaturastra Kund for the accomplishment of all work & gaining Siddhis.
  • The Heart shaped Yajna Kund is called Yoni Kund designed for desire manifestation like getting a child and attracting love.
  • The Semi Circle shaped Yajna Kund is called Ardha Chandr Kund which is made to gain harmony, happiness, peace and resolve conflicts. It is also for conferring peace in the family, both wife and husband have to offer oblation together.
  • Semi-circular or ArdhaChandrakar meaning Ardha means “half” & Chandra meaning in the shape of the moon.
  • The Triangular shaped Yajna Kund is also called Trikon Kund which look like bow & arrow and perfectly designed to win over enemies.
  • The Vrut Yajna Kund is circular shape Kund and designed for public welfare and peace.
  • The Star shaped Yajna Kund is called Pushtrkon Kund which is made for win over the unseen and seen enemies.
  • The Yajna Kund with 6 angles is constructed for stopping death.
  • The Padma Kund denotes Lotus and the Yajna Kund is made in Flower shape which is primarily made to gain wealth. Some old scriptures also mention its construction for safety against evil energies.

Yagya is the powerful remedy for karmic evolution, annihilating past negative karma and helping in generation of positive karma for the future. In Vedic literature, the concept of Yajna/ Yagya has been completely illustrated. It claims the subsequent process. The amazing arena together with the incredible system is the actual concept of Yagya. A well-organized state displaying tranquillity and order is the real concept of Homa/ Yajna. 


Havans or Homas

The foremost among our ancient vedic rituals, the ‘RITUAL OF FIRE SACRIFICE’ was revealed to our ancient sages after several years of penance and austerities. A Homa or Havan is a sacred fire ceremony in which various forms of the Divine gods and Demi-gods are invoked in a sacred fire that has been kindled according to the guidelines in the Vedic scriptures. Certain special offerings are made into the fire while Sanskrit Mantras are chanted. The combination of the powerful energy of the fire and the Sanskrit mantras create extremely auspicious and purifying vibrations that are beneficial to all who attend the Homa. The smoke that rises from a Homa contains a powerful healing energy, and as it rises to the heavens it purifies the atmosphere, both physically and subtly, encouraging a peaceful environment and gentle weather. Every kind of negative karma can be purified by the sacred Homa fire, due to divine grace.

Sage kshayapa has beautifully described the origin of fumigation therapy or Dhoopa chikitsa . When the Rishis were troubled by negative elements in the form of Rakshasas, they tried to find solutions by performing japa , tapa and homa to please Agni deva. Agni Deva revealed the secret of using Fumes/gas generated by the material offered to Agni/fire to remove the troubles as well as trouble creaters in the form of Rakshasas, bhootas, pisachas and the grahas . He blessed them to perform yagnas to remove all fear and cure diseases. Since ancient times, this traditional fumigation therapy was used for the welfare of Humans. Ayurveda deals with ‘Dhoopa vidhi’ containing dhoopa,, Anudhoopa and Pratidhoopa. The Vedas , brahmanas, Puranas, Itihasa and tantric Texts give us details of the procedures and results of Homacharam.

To perform Traditional homacahara you should have an undestanding of Dravya Gunas- the qualities of the items used in the sacrificial fire- What should be put and when they should be offered into the homa fire. Different parinamas/results are obtained by the different fumes that are generated by offering different materials into homa fire according to the Rituals. Homas have the power to remove all grahadoshas and give bhaada mukti (releif from troubles). A lot depends on the materials and herbs that are offered to the homa fire. Dravya guna of material put in fire will be in sookshma roopa or subtle forms. The fumes thus produced will enter our body as we breathe, gets into our blood stream and cure the dosha or impurities.

Although a consecrated fire is the central element of every homa ritual, the procedure and items offered to the fire vary by what occasions the ceremony, or by the benefit expected from the ritual. Procedures invariably involve –

? the kindling and consecration of the sacrificial fire;
? the invocation of one or more divinities; and,
? the making of offerings (whether real or visualized) to them with the fire as via media, amid the recitation of prescribed prayers and mantras.

The consecrated fire forms the focus of devotion. It is often maintained on specific types of dung, wood, dried coconut (copra) and/or other combustibles. The fire-altar (vedi or homa/havan kunda) is generally made of brick or stone or a copper vessel, and is almost always built specifically for the occasion, being dismantled immediately afterwards. This fire-altar is invaribly built in square shape. While very large vedis are occasionally built for major public homas, the usual altar may be as small as 1 x 1 foot square and rarely exceeds 3 x 3 feet square.

Again, whereas major altars at public events may include a hollowing of the earth to create a relatively deep pit, the usual altars involve no such excavation and indeed rise only inches above the ground. In all events, the arrangement is centered in the middle of a space, which may be either outdoors or indoors. The principal people performing the ceremony and the priests who instruct them through the rituals seat themselves around the altar, while family, friends and other devotees form a larger ring around that center.

The length and procedure of a homa depends on the purpose to which it is performed; many different types of homas exist, and the following list is only illustrative.

Havans can be better appreciated through the understanding of scientific principles. All rituals in the Hindu religion aim at journeying in one’s life enroute the process of Artha, Kama, Dharma, Mukti and Moksha. Havans are essentially sacrificial medium wherein various aspects of the ‘self’ are sacrificed at the altar of the SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS thereby enabling a direct communion with the SUPREME POWER. The energies aroused in a Havan effect the body and the mind and are tangible in our everyday life.

Purpose of Havans: 

The sacred fire ritual ‘Havans’, serve as a link between man’s consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. According to science, matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another. In the same manner, whatever we offer in the Sacred Fire reaches the respective deities along with our prayers invoking the special blessings from those divine beings for the fulfillment of the purpose of the respective ‘Havan’, aimed at achieving success at a material and spiritual level of an individual. Faith reinforces the discovery of the Divine or Higher Source and our ultimate surrender to the ‘higher source,’ is the solution to all our existing endeavors. It is then that we enable the Divine or the higher sources to take control or streamline our life for our own sake.

The Havan Fire converts the physical components, all offerings made into the fire, into their ‘psychic’ components serving as offerings to the concerned deities presiding over the Havans. All religions worship the higher source/energy in the form of fire, seen as lighting candles or lamps during prayers. It is an ancient method of submitting the pleas and prayers to the higher source beseeching their Divine blessings. This practice is an art and the knowledge imparted has been well preserved for our observance in all the scriptures from various religions. When we use it for a right cause, the purpose is well served and the benefit is attained for all of us to share with the world. It is through the fire element that all the other five elements in the body get balanced. With this balance of energy all things begin to fall into place and we start getting connected with the Divine.

The sacrifices made into the fire get transformed as offerings to the respective divine deities /higher energies through the medium of fire. Through Havans, auspicious energies are awakened. One undergoes the cleansing of the physical and psychic bodies. In the Havan kund the various energies are invoked by chanting the sacred mantras and through various postures for receiving the right vibrations.

Participation in Havans:

The Havan requires the active involvement of the participants with deep faith and bonding to the concerned deity invoked for instant and spontaneous results. The grace flowing from the Havan which is contained within the Havan Kund till the end of the performance of the ritual gets transferred into the ‘Kalasam’ containing the holy water and is later offered to the participants for sprinkling on themselves and also partaking of the holy sacred water.

Benefits of Havans: 

Havans not only enable the dispelling of negative energies from the homes but also annihilate negativity in our life patterns rescuing us from the curses of people countering the ill effects of black magic too. They bring in high energy fields, revitalize and balance the three types of energies/humors/gunas in our body. Therefore, the performance of a ‘Havan’ demands the active role of the participants. This is vital in deciding the fruits of the ritual for the participants. The level of one’s intense participation accompanied with feeling, faith and devotion, determines the proportion of grace received, which magnifies in multiples. This also heals the body filling it with positive and divine energy.

• Exaltation in spiritual practices is also attained by the performance of certain esoteric Havans. The Divine energy flowing from the deities unto the body of the participant cleanses them of all negative energies and ‘sanskars’.
• The deities invoked provide a protective shield around the participant keeping the negative energy at bay. The deities invoked receive the offerings and bestow their blessings onto the participants in the form of prosperity, longevity, relief from karma and its bondage, as per the quest of the ‘Havan’. The participant is either handed over the clothes adorning the sacred ‘Kalash’ (metal vessel), or then they are asked to partake of the sacred water filled inside this Kalash.

In certain Havans, like the ‘Sudarshan Havan’ or the ‘Kubera Havan’, a ‘yantra’ (divine symbol) is given or sent to the participant to be placed in their cupboards / drawers in offices / homes to reap prosperity and also for individual spiritual growth.

In case of the ‘Gayathri Havan’ the yantra is handed over to the participants if personally present else the sacred water alone will be handed over to the participant.

• The spiritual vibrations emanating from such the Havans are very powerful as they are conducted by the highly advanced and spiritually elevated. Also as the Havans are conducted in the sacred Oneness temple site located between the highly energised magnetic grid fields & in the fire energy of the site its effects are very powerful.
In certain cases they are also performed at the residences of participants on special request. Accordingly, the Guides determine the appropriate date and time for the type of Havan to invoke the precise results.

• Many times after conclusion of these Havans in certain cases, where the effect of individual / family karma needs further cleansing / offsetting its effect, one might necessitate attending further advanced processes as ordained by the Scriptures to effect the desired changes in their inputs to their lives.
Havan rituals enable one to attain fulfillment of various wishes / boons both in the materialistic and spiritual planes. These havans restore and revive a direct connection with the Higher Source which today we have off late lost track of.


It is strongly encouraged to seriously consider one’s individual and family needs, and organise the appropriate Havan (after duly consulting the Oneness Guides), at either one’s residence or participate in such Havans conducted by Organisations to reap the right benefits not just for one’s immediate family / self in this birth, but also for the liberation and salvation of one’s ancestors to whom we owe our body today and liberate ourselves also to attain Jeevan Mukthi while in this physical frame.

There are many different types of Havans which can be conducted, depending on the intentions and motivations of the participants. Each Havan is performed according to very strict and specific protocols, derived as a result of hundreds– or even thousands– of years of experiential research. They are conducted by highly advanced, learned and trained Vedic scholars, based on ancient knowledge passed down verbally over generations.

The Various Havans performed are: General Havans:

• Maha Ganapathi Havan – For Auspicious Beginning & For Removal of Obstacles
• Maha Lakshmi Havan – For Acquiring Wealth & Prosperity
• Maha Devi Havan – For a Suitable Life Partner
• Gayathri Havan – To Set Right Relationships and for Liberation from Negative Karma • Vidya Havan – For Academic Excellence & Career Growth
• Dhanvantri Havan – For Good Health
• Ayushya Havan – For Longevity of Life
• Mangala Samskarana Havan – For Awakening Auspicious Qualities
• Vastu Havan – To Set right Problems Arising From Wrong Vastu Special Havans:
• Durga Havan – For Removing & Destroying Negative Energies and Entities
• Bhagavath Katatksha Havan – For Receiving Direct Blessings of God to fulfill any particular purpose
• Sudarshana Havan – For Success and Prosperity
• Lakshmi Kubera Havan – For Higher Wealth & Prosperity
• Navagraha Havan – For Receiving the blessings of Navagraha Devatas and to remove doshas due to Grahas

General Havans 

Maha Ganapathi Havan

• To receive the blessings of Lord Ganapathi, the remover of obstacles
• For grahapravesham (House warming ceremony) before living in a new house
• Usually performed to have an auspicious beginning for commencing a business etc. • For fulfilling objectives without hindrances
• For success in works and projects without any obstacles
• For general well being
• To attain prosperity in various aspects of life
• Usually done before the beginning other homas

Atharva Sheersha Shodasha Ganapathi Homam/Maha Pooja. Ganesha is one of the most revered and loved gods in the Hindu Mythology. Born of Lord Shiva and Parvati, every story associated with this Lord is interesting and some are even amusing. Yet the astrological relevance and mythical references are accurate. Why Lord Ganesha has an elephant’s head, everyone has heard of, but why does he rides a Mooshak(mouse) or why is it that seeing the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi is avoided and also several other questions wrt Ganesha have significant answers.

One story is recounted here, about the Lord Vignaharta, Lambodara, Ekadanta and His 16 Powerful forms -that are a panacea for Shani-related evils and misfortunes. Ganesha was created by Shakti when, ‘she anointed herself with turmeric and oil. When the mixture had soaked her sweat and dried on her skin, she scraped it off and from the scrapings, she created a child, her son.’ While this story might be well known to Ganesha’s followers, what may not be so well-known is that Vinayaka comes from the words, Vina (without) and Nayaka (the help of a man). What may also not be common knowledge is that ‘Durga- Ganesha’s mother, took a banana plant, wrapped a sari around it and gave it in marriage to Ganesha, because no woman in the world would marry him because of his elephant head!’ It is these interesting facts, detailed in an easy manner, with a contemporary slant that make you want to read on. Performing Ganesha Japa and Havan once every year will give prosperity, health and wealth. Ganesha Japa and Havan should be performed on all auspicious occasions.

Maha Lakshmi Havan

o To receive the blessings of Sri Maha Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth and fortune
o To overcome financial crisis
o Creates opportunities to acquire wealth and prosperity
o For speedy recovery of loans
o For early repayment of loans
o For Financial growth & stability
o For growth in career hierarchy
o Sustaining unity in the family

Maha Devi Havan

o To receive the blessings of Goddess Maha Devi
o For successful marriage
o To remove obstacles that delay marriage
o To get married soon
o To have a happy married life filled with auspiciousness

Gayathri Havan

o To receive the blessings of Goddess Gayathri, the Being who liberates us from Negative Karma
o For Liberation from negative karma and to acquire Sath karma (positive karma)
o For liberation from negative vasanas (qualities acquired from birth) and negative samskaras (qualities acquired during one’s lifetime)
o For Liberation of all karmic bondages/suffering acquired for many generations
o Focuses on setting right relationships within one’s family and other important people in one’s life
o Useful for spiritual awakening
o To break the negative patterns which are causing miseries in one’s life
o Useful for liberating ancestors and to receive their blessings
o For begetting Children
o For general growth in personal, professional and spiritual progress in one’s life

Vidya Havan

o To receive the blessings of Goddess Saraswathi, the Goddess of Wisdom and Learning
o For enhanced academic excellence
o Useful for students and professionals
o For increasing memory power for higher concentration levels
o For a successful career
o For creativity and innovation in academics, business and profession
o For Flowering of Intelligence. It is very different from intellect acquired from knowledge through books

Dhanvantri Havan

o To receive the blessings of Sri Dhanvantri, the giver of health according to Ayurveda and ancient scriptures
o For Roha nivarana (heals chronic illnesses)
o To maintain a healthy balance physically, psychologically and spiritually
o Has a healing effect of the body, mind and spirit
o Acts as prevention for future diseases
o Increases the resistance in the body from viruses, bacteria etc.
o This Havan cures ailments that cannot be treated through mainstream medicines

Ayushya Havan

o To receive the blessings of Ayur Devata, giver of long and healthy life
o Also performed during the 1st birth anniversary of a child
o For good healthy life for a child or a person
o To remove negative effects caused by inauspicious day of birth
o Can be performed on yearly basis on birthdays and important occasions
o For a complete life filled with health, happiness and prosperity
o To witness happy relationships in the family in one’s life time

Mangala Samskarana Havan

o This havan glorifies the Divine to fill one’s life with auspicious qualities such as love, gratitude, kindness, etc.
o For receiving grace and wellbeing for the family
o For begetting children
o For tuning in to Higher auspicious energies
o For Success in endeavors
o Also helps for Jeevan Mukthi and Moksha (For liberation from the cycle of births and deaths)
o To help in spheres of health, wealth, success and prosperity of an individual

Vastu Havan

o To receive the blessings of vastu purusha to maintain an energy balance in a house or a building
o To heal vastu doshas (problems) in houses, commercial establishments,institutions, industries and localities etc
o To set right loss in business and problems in a family caused by negative effects of improper vastu construction
o For appease vastu purusha for not following the principles and techniques prescribed by vastu Shastra for constructing houses, temples and business centers
o This havan is also performed along with Maha Ganapathi havan during house warming ceremony for happiness and well being of the family members who would live in that house

Special Havans

Durga Havan

o To receive the blessings of Goddess Durga Devi
o For removing or destroying negative energies troubling an individual, family or an organization
o For success over negative energies and enemies
o For removal and protection from black magic effects
o For protection from irrational fears and dangers
o For getting rid of troublesome tenants leading to easy vacation of the house, favoring the house owner
o To achieve success over competition in profession or business

Bhagavath Katatksha Havan

o For seeking Sri Amma Bhagavan’s grace to fulfill our needs in life
o To receive the blessings from all Gods & Goddesses
o This havan praises the God both as Mother and Father and the whole creation as an extension of the body of God
o To fill up the void within (for example, If a person lacks love, will be blessed with love to set right his relationship with family and others)
o For awakening auspicious qualities in abundance, within oneself
o For auspiciousness and general well-being
o For spiritual growth and awakening (Jeevan Mukthi)
o For higher levels of consciousness
o For acquiring 16 different kinds of wealth and prosperity such as good health and education, healthy relationships, for powerful communion with Sri Amma Bhagavan, kindness, gratitude, surrender etc.

Sudarshana Havan

o To receive the blessings of Lord Sudharshana, the deity of the Sudharshana Chakra
o Helps in setting right astrological flaws
o To remove and destroy negative forces affecting one’s life
o To have a golden shield of protection from negative energies like black magic and enemies
o For prevention from fatal accidents, unsolved miseries and accidents which may possibly occur in the near future
o For success, courage and prosperity
o For early solution to unsolved chronic problems
o For prevention and success in legal issues

Lakshmi Kubera Havan

o To receive the blessings of two Beings Goddess Maha Lakshmi , the Goddess of wealth & fortune; and Lord Kubera, who maintains this wealth and prosperity leading to further financial growth
o A very powerful homa for wealth and prosperity
o For faster recovery of dues
o For clearing the debts
o To tide over financial crises relating to large sum of money
o To please the Lord of wealth and prosperity, Sri Kubera
o To create the newer ways and means for acquiring wealth and prosperity through the blessings of Goddess Maha Lakshmi
o Helps in maintenance and growth of wealth, acquired in the form of land, property and other assets as a family for generations
o Activates the creative part of the brain leading to financial success in business and profession
o To enjoy the luxuries earned through one’s hard work and to ensure that it will not be wasted by the future generations

Navagraha Havan

o To receive the blessings of the Divine Beings who control the 9 planets the Navagrahas which include our Sun, Moon and the non physical planets Raghu and Kethu
o It helps in removing astrological flaws
o To remove the negative effects (Graha doshas) of one or more planets like Saturn, Ragu or Kethu grahas
o To receive the positive effects of 9 planets which may be unfavorable at a given a point of time
o Each of these beings who control the planets relate to one aspect of the body for example, when you have the blessings of Surya Graha (Sun God), the leader of the planets, you are protected from all blood related problems
o This is a follow up homa after house warming ceremony

महामहिम जोश के वर्गीज

सीसीईटी के शुरुआत से लेकर अब तक जितने डायरेक्टर और प्रिंसिपल रहे हैं,

सारे सलाहकार,टी पी मैथ्यू ,प्रोफेसर केसी मनी का उत्थान एवं निराकरण देखा हैl पहले  प्रोफेसर  का इंटरव्यू  करते फिर जोइनिंग रिपोर्ट नहीं भेजते l आप तो प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को भी नहीं छोड़ते NBA INSPECTION समय फोटो लगाते हैं फिर गायब कर देते हैं यह कैसी दूरदर्शिता का समावेश है समझना बड़ा मुश्किल हैI 

Dr Rajeshwar Singh, www.drrajeshwar.in  

हवन का महत्व *****

पूजा पाठ अनुष्ठान होने के पश्चात वैदिक काल से ही हवन करने का विधान है। किंतु हवन के पश्चात स्वास्थ्य पर क्या असर पड़ता है इसको जाने।
फ़्रांस के ट्रेले नामक वैज्ञानिक ने हवन पर रिसर्च की। जिसमे उन्हें पता चला की हवन मुख्यतः आम की लकड़ी पर किया जाता है। जब आम की लकड़ी जलती है तो फ़ॉर्मिक एल्डिहाइड नामक गैस उत्पन्न होती है जो की खतरनाक बैक्टीरिया और जीवाणुओ को मारती है तथा वातावरण को शुद्द करती है। इस रिसर्च के बाद ही वैज्ञानिकों को इस गैस और इसे बनाने का तरीका पता चला। गुड़ को जलाने पर भी ये गैस उत्पन्न होती है।
) टौटीक नामक वैज्ञानिक ने हवन पर की गयी अपनी रिसर्च में ये पाया की यदि आधे घंटे हवन में बैठा जाये अथवा हवन के धुएं से शरीर का सम्पर्क हो तो टाइफाइड जैसे खतरनाक रोग फ़ैलाने वाले जीवाणु भी मर जाते हैं और शरीर शुद्ध हो जाता है।
) हवन की महत्ता देखते हुए राष्ट्रीय वनस्पति अनुसन्धान संस्थान लखनऊ के वैज्ञानिकों ने भी इस पर एक रिसर्च की क्या वाकई हवन से वातावरण शुद्द होता है और जीवाणु नाश होता है अथवा नही. उन्होंने ग्रंथो. में वर्णित हवन सामग्री जुटाई और जलाने पर पाया की ये विषाणु नाश करती है। फिर उन्होंने विभिन्न प्रकार के धुएं पर भी काम किया और देखा की सिर्फ आम की लकड़ी किलो जलाने से हवा में मौजूद विषाणु बहुत कम नहीं हुए पर जैसे ही उसके ऊपर आधा किलो हवन सामग्री डाल कर जलायी गयी एक घंटे के भीतर ही कक्ष में मौजूद बॅक्टेरिया का स्तर ९४ % कम हो गया। यही नही. उन्होंने आगे भी कक्ष की हवा में मौजुद जीवाणुओ का परीक्षण किया और पाया की कक्ष के दरवाज़े खोले जाने और सारा धुआं निकल जाने के २४ घंटे बाद भी जीवाणुओ का स्तर सामान्य से ९६ प्रतिशत कम था। बार बार परीक्षण करने पर ज्ञात हुआ की इस एक बार के धुएं का असर एक माह तक रहा और उस कक्ष की वायु में विषाणु स्तर 30 दिन बाद भी सामान्य से बहुत कम था।
यह रिपोर्ट एथ्नोफार्माकोलोजी के शोध पत्र (resarch journal of Ethnopharmacology 2007
एथ्नोफार्माकोलोजी के शोध पत्र (resarch journal of Ethnopharmacology 2007) में भी दिसंबर २००७ में छप चुकी है।
रिपोर्ट में लिखा गया की हवन के द्वारा सिर्फ मनुष्य बल्कि वनस्पतियों फसलों को नुकसान पहुचाने वाले बैक्टीरिया का नाश होता है। जिससे फसलों में रासायनिक खाद का प्रयोग कम हो सकता है।
क्या हो हवन की समिधा (जलने वाली लकड़ी):- 
समिधा के रूप में आम की लकड़ी सर्वमान्य है परन्तु अन्य समिधाएँ भी विभिन्न कार्यों हेतु प्रयुक्त होती हैं। सूर्य की समिधा मदार की, चन्द्रमा की पलाश की, मङ्गल की खैर की, बुध की चिड़चिडा की, बृहस्पति की पीपल की, शुक्र की गूलर की, शनि की शमी की, राहु दूर्वा की और केतु की कुशा की समिधा कही गई है।
मदार की समिधा रोग को नाश करती है, पलाश की सब कार्य सिद्ध करने वाली, पीपल की प्रजा (सन्तति) काम कराने वाली, गूलर की स्वर्ग देने वाली, शमी की पाप नाश करने वाली, दूर्वा की दीर्घायु देने वाली और कुशा की समिधा सभी मनोरथ को सिद्ध करने वाली होती है।
हव्य (आहुति देने योग्य द्रव्यों) के प्रकार :
प्रत्येक ऋतु में आकाश में भिन्नभिन्न प्रकार के वायुमण्डल रहते हैं। सर्दी, गर्मी, नमी, वायु का भारीपन, हलकापन, धूल, धुँआ, बर्फ आदि का भरा होना। विभिन्न प्रकार के कीटणुओं की उत्पत्ति, वृद्धि एवं समाप्ति का क्रम चलता रहता है। इसलिए कई बार वायुमण्डल स्वास्थ्यकर होता है। कई बार अस्वास्थ्यकर हो जाता है। इस प्रकार की विकृतियों को दूर करने और अनुकूल वातावरण उत्पन्न करने के लिए हवन में ऐसी औषधियाँ प्रयुक्त की जाती हैं, जो इस उद्देश्य को भली प्रकार पूरा कर सकती हैं।
होम द्रव्य :
होमद्रव्य अथवा हवन सामग्री वह जल सकने वाला पदार्थ है जिसे यज्ञ (हवन/होम) की अग्नि में मन्त्रों के साथ डाला जाता है।
) सुगन्धित : केशर, अगर, तगर, चन्दन, इलायची, जायफल, जावित्री छड़ीला कपूर कचरी बालछड़ पानड़ी आदि
) पुष्टिकारक : घृत, गुग्गुल ,सूखे फल, जौ, तिल, चावल शहद नारियल आदि
) मिष्टशक्कर, छूहारा, दाख आदि
) रोग नाशकगिलोय, जायफल, सोमवल्ली ब्राह्मी तुलसी अगर तगर तिल इंद्रा जव आमला मालकांगनी हरताल तेजपत्र प्रियंगु केसर सफ़ेद चन्दन जटामांसी आदि.
उपरोक्त चारों प्रकार की वस्तुएँ हवन में प्रयोग होनी चाहिए। अन्नों के हवन से मेघमालाएँ अधिक अन्न उपजाने वाली वर्षा करती हैं। सुगन्धित द्रव्यों से विचारों शुद्ध होते हैं, मिष्ट पदार्थ स्वास्थ्य को पुष्ट एवं शरीर को आरोग्य प्रदान करते हैं, इसलिए चारों प्रकार के पदार्थों को समान महत्व दिया जाना चाहिए। यदि अन्य वस्तुएँ उपलब्ध हों, तो जो मिले उसी से अथवा केवल तिल, जौ, चावल से भी काम चल सकता है।
सामान्य हवन सामग्री :
तिल, जौं, सफेद चन्दन का चूरा , अगर , तगर , गुग्गुल, जायफल, दालचीनी, तालीसपत्र , पानड़ी , लौंग , बड़ी इलायची , गोला , छुहारे नागर मौथा , इन्द्र जौ , कपूर कचरी , आँवला ,गिलोय, जायफल, ब्राह्मी.  
।।जय श्री हरि।।