What a beautiful self organisation of the universe:Self organisation of electron,proton and neutron generates atom;self organisation of atoms generate molecules;self organisation of molecules generate supra-molecules;self organisation of supra-molecules generate living and non-living things of this planet;self organisation of solar systems generates galaxies;self organisation of galaxies generate cosmoses;self organisation of cosmoses generate cluster of cosmoses and so on……………………….…………………………………RajeshwarImage result for hydrogen

“The things happening at subatomic level,is happening at cosmic level and and so on …………….. infinity; thereby making a limitless cosmos”


“All type of energy(electromagnetic radiation) can be converted into matter and every matter can be converted into energy under specific conditions”

Model of Universe

Smallest atom of universe is hydrogen whereImage result for HYDROGEN

1.Red sphere represent electron

2.Blue sphere represent nucleus of hydrogen atom

But at cosmic level red sphere may be association of infinite solar system or infinite galaxy or infinite universe and blue sphere may be center of  infinite solar system or infinite galaxy or infinite universe