महामहिम जोश के वर्गीज

सीसीईटी के शुरुआत से लेकर अब तक जितने डायरेक्टर और प्रिंसिपल रहे हैं,

सारे सलाहकार,टी पी मैथ्यू ,प्रोफेसर केसी मनी का उत्थान एवं निराकरण देखा हैl पहले  प्रोफेसर  का इंटरव्यू  करते फिर जोइनिंग रिपोर्ट नहीं भेजते l आप तो प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को भी नहीं छोड़ते NBA INSPECTION समय फोटो लगाते हैं फिर गायब कर देते हैं यह कैसी दूरदर्शिता का समावेश है समझना बड़ा मुश्किल हैI 

Dr Rajeshwar Singh, www.drrajeshwar.in  

हवन का महत्व *****

पूजा पाठ अनुष्ठान होने के पश्चात वैदिक काल से ही हवन करने का विधान है। किंतु हवन के पश्चात स्वास्थ्य पर क्या असर पड़ता है इसको जाने।
फ़्रांस के ट्रेले नामक वैज्ञानिक ने हवन पर रिसर्च की। जिसमे उन्हें पता चला की हवन मुख्यतः आम की लकड़ी पर किया जाता है। जब आम की लकड़ी जलती है तो फ़ॉर्मिक एल्डिहाइड नामक गैस उत्पन्न होती है जो की खतरनाक बैक्टीरिया और जीवाणुओ को मारती है तथा वातावरण को शुद्द करती है। इस रिसर्च के बाद ही वैज्ञानिकों को इस गैस और इसे बनाने का तरीका पता चला। गुड़ को जलाने पर भी ये गैस उत्पन्न होती है।
) टौटीक नामक वैज्ञानिक ने हवन पर की गयी अपनी रिसर्च में ये पाया की यदि आधे घंटे हवन में बैठा जाये अथवा हवन के धुएं से शरीर का सम्पर्क हो तो टाइफाइड जैसे खतरनाक रोग फ़ैलाने वाले जीवाणु भी मर जाते हैं और शरीर शुद्ध हो जाता है।
) हवन की महत्ता देखते हुए राष्ट्रीय वनस्पति अनुसन्धान संस्थान लखनऊ के वैज्ञानिकों ने भी इस पर एक रिसर्च की क्या वाकई हवन से वातावरण शुद्द होता है और जीवाणु नाश होता है अथवा नही. उन्होंने ग्रंथो. में वर्णित हवन सामग्री जुटाई और जलाने पर पाया की ये विषाणु नाश करती है। फिर उन्होंने विभिन्न प्रकार के धुएं पर भी काम किया और देखा की सिर्फ आम की लकड़ी किलो जलाने से हवा में मौजूद विषाणु बहुत कम नहीं हुए पर जैसे ही उसके ऊपर आधा किलो हवन सामग्री डाल कर जलायी गयी एक घंटे के भीतर ही कक्ष में मौजूद बॅक्टेरिया का स्तर ९४ % कम हो गया। यही नही. उन्होंने आगे भी कक्ष की हवा में मौजुद जीवाणुओ का परीक्षण किया और पाया की कक्ष के दरवाज़े खोले जाने और सारा धुआं निकल जाने के २४ घंटे बाद भी जीवाणुओ का स्तर सामान्य से ९६ प्रतिशत कम था। बार बार परीक्षण करने पर ज्ञात हुआ की इस एक बार के धुएं का असर एक माह तक रहा और उस कक्ष की वायु में विषाणु स्तर 30 दिन बाद भी सामान्य से बहुत कम था।
यह रिपोर्ट एथ्नोफार्माकोलोजी के शोध पत्र (resarch journal of Ethnopharmacology 2007
एथ्नोफार्माकोलोजी के शोध पत्र (resarch journal of Ethnopharmacology 2007) में भी दिसंबर २००७ में छप चुकी है।
रिपोर्ट में लिखा गया की हवन के द्वारा सिर्फ मनुष्य बल्कि वनस्पतियों फसलों को नुकसान पहुचाने वाले बैक्टीरिया का नाश होता है। जिससे फसलों में रासायनिक खाद का प्रयोग कम हो सकता है।
क्या हो हवन की समिधा (जलने वाली लकड़ी):- 
समिधा के रूप में आम की लकड़ी सर्वमान्य है परन्तु अन्य समिधाएँ भी विभिन्न कार्यों हेतु प्रयुक्त होती हैं। सूर्य की समिधा मदार की, चन्द्रमा की पलाश की, मङ्गल की खैर की, बुध की चिड़चिडा की, बृहस्पति की पीपल की, शुक्र की गूलर की, शनि की शमी की, राहु दूर्वा की और केतु की कुशा की समिधा कही गई है।
मदार की समिधा रोग को नाश करती है, पलाश की सब कार्य सिद्ध करने वाली, पीपल की प्रजा (सन्तति) काम कराने वाली, गूलर की स्वर्ग देने वाली, शमी की पाप नाश करने वाली, दूर्वा की दीर्घायु देने वाली और कुशा की समिधा सभी मनोरथ को सिद्ध करने वाली होती है।
हव्य (आहुति देने योग्य द्रव्यों) के प्रकार :
प्रत्येक ऋतु में आकाश में भिन्नभिन्न प्रकार के वायुमण्डल रहते हैं। सर्दी, गर्मी, नमी, वायु का भारीपन, हलकापन, धूल, धुँआ, बर्फ आदि का भरा होना। विभिन्न प्रकार के कीटणुओं की उत्पत्ति, वृद्धि एवं समाप्ति का क्रम चलता रहता है। इसलिए कई बार वायुमण्डल स्वास्थ्यकर होता है। कई बार अस्वास्थ्यकर हो जाता है। इस प्रकार की विकृतियों को दूर करने और अनुकूल वातावरण उत्पन्न करने के लिए हवन में ऐसी औषधियाँ प्रयुक्त की जाती हैं, जो इस उद्देश्य को भली प्रकार पूरा कर सकती हैं।
होम द्रव्य :
होमद्रव्य अथवा हवन सामग्री वह जल सकने वाला पदार्थ है जिसे यज्ञ (हवन/होम) की अग्नि में मन्त्रों के साथ डाला जाता है।
) सुगन्धित : केशर, अगर, तगर, चन्दन, इलायची, जायफल, जावित्री छड़ीला कपूर कचरी बालछड़ पानड़ी आदि
) पुष्टिकारक : घृत, गुग्गुल ,सूखे फल, जौ, तिल, चावल शहद नारियल आदि
) मिष्टशक्कर, छूहारा, दाख आदि
) रोग नाशकगिलोय, जायफल, सोमवल्ली ब्राह्मी तुलसी अगर तगर तिल इंद्रा जव आमला मालकांगनी हरताल तेजपत्र प्रियंगु केसर सफ़ेद चन्दन जटामांसी आदि.
उपरोक्त चारों प्रकार की वस्तुएँ हवन में प्रयोग होनी चाहिए। अन्नों के हवन से मेघमालाएँ अधिक अन्न उपजाने वाली वर्षा करती हैं। सुगन्धित द्रव्यों से विचारों शुद्ध होते हैं, मिष्ट पदार्थ स्वास्थ्य को पुष्ट एवं शरीर को आरोग्य प्रदान करते हैं, इसलिए चारों प्रकार के पदार्थों को समान महत्व दिया जाना चाहिए। यदि अन्य वस्तुएँ उपलब्ध हों, तो जो मिले उसी से अथवा केवल तिल, जौ, चावल से भी काम चल सकता है।
सामान्य हवन सामग्री :
तिल, जौं, सफेद चन्दन का चूरा , अगर , तगर , गुग्गुल, जायफल, दालचीनी, तालीसपत्र , पानड़ी , लौंग , बड़ी इलायची , गोला , छुहारे नागर मौथा , इन्द्र जौ , कपूर कचरी , आँवला ,गिलोय, जायफल, ब्राह्मी.  
।।जय श्री हरि।।


Scientific aspects of Yagya

 1.Our ancient texts are full of legends wherein ancient sages performed Yagyas and the demons (asuras) tried to destroy them. The demons then had to pay a hefty price as the godly, valiant prince used to guard the Holy fire and eliminate the nuisance. Whether these are just folklores, myths, legends or history is a debate for some other day, but there is no denying the fact that Yagya was related to slaying negativity since the Vedic times. Let’s explore how and why…

2.How it works

There are two basic energy systems in the physical world: heat and sound. In performing Yagya, these two energies, namely, the heat from Yagya’s fire and the sound of the chanting of the Gayatri and other Vedic Mantras, are blended together to achieve the desired physical, psychological and spiritual benefits.

3.The aroma of Yagya

The surroundings and the smell of a Yagya can be smelt even at a huge distance. In addition to steam, smoke is also given out in plentiful quantities and solid particles existing in a highly divided state offer adequate surface for mechanical diffusion. Thus smoke also functions as a medium for circulation of aromatic substances depending on temperature and direction of the wind.

4.The science behind using fatty substances (Ghee)

Ghee helps in rapid combustion of cellulose of wood and keeps the fire alight. When all the volatile substances are diffused in the surrounding atmosphere, these are further subjected to photochemical reactions in the sunlight. This may be the reason why it has been recommended that Yagya should be performed in the presence of strong sunlight.

5.The shape of the Agni Kunda

The word ‘pyramid’ means the fire in the middle’. This ancient-word meaning for pyramid is closely connected with the enigmatic energies springing from its central shape. The pyramid shape is generally thought to generate and store a special energy field, which possess bacteriostatic properties. The inverted pyramid shape allows controlled generation and multidirectional dissipation of energy. It acts as an initiator of unusual energy fields and spreads them in its surrounding atmosphere


6.Chanting of Sanskrit

The power of sound vibrations is long since acknowledged in the field of science. These vibrations can penetrate the energy spheres at the subtle and cosmic levels. All the alphabets of the Sanskrit language are endowed with special vibrational powers, which set out harmonious wave patterns when pronounced. It is interesting to note that an American Scientist has established that recitation of Gayatri Mantra produces 110,000 sound waves per second.

7.Purification of environment

Till recently it was accepted that research into science can furnish answer to all of man’s problems. Today we find increasing number of diseases including malfunctioning of body organs due to increasing severity of pollution in the atmosphere. Experimental studies show that the incidence of physical ailments, sickness and disease are reduced in the houses, where the Yagya is regularly performed.

8.The Hindu fire ritual is a healing process

Yagya creates a pure, nutritional and medicinal atmosphere. It renews the brain cells, revitalizes the skin, purifies blood and prevents growth of pathogenic organisms. Agnihotra is basically a healing process. ‘Heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere will heal you’. Purification of environment through the constituent electrons of the substances fumigated in the Yagya is an obvious effect of this process.

9.Scientific research

According to Dr. Shirowich, a Russian scientist, (i) Cow’s milk contains great power of protection from atomic radiation; (ii) Houses having cow-dung covered floors enjoy complete protection from atomic radiation; (iii) If cow’s ghee is put into Yagya fire, its fumes lessen the effect of atomic radiation to a great extent. The medicinal fumes emanating from Yagya have been observed by researchers in the field of microbiology to be clearly bacteriolethal in nature.

10.Removal of foul odors

While performing Yagya, volatile oils get diffused in the surrounding atmosphere along with steam and smoke. Since these oils have distinct good smell, the foul odors are automatically replaced. This aroma can be experienced easily in the surroundings when Yagya is performed due to diffusion of substances like pine, terpinol and oils of sandal-wood, camphor and clove.

11.Removal of Bacteria

As stated under products of combustion, the partial oxidation of hydrocarbons and decomposition of complex organic substances produce formal aldehyde which is a powerful antiseptic. It is also interesting to note that germicidal action of formaldehyde is only effective in the presence of water vapor which is also produced in large quantities during Yagya. The use of formaldehyde spray for disinfecting of walls, ceiling etc., is common and such a spray is automatically produced when Yagya is performed.

12.Disinfectants and antibiotics

The oxidation of hydrocarbons also produces formic acid and acetic acid both of which are good disinfectants. Use of formic acid for preservation of fruits and that of acetic acid in preserving vinegar is a common practice. The antiseptic and antibiotic effects of fumes of Yagya have also been examined by conducting suitable experiments and it has been established that fumes emitted in Yagya are powerful antibiotic.

13.Removal of insects

There are non-bacterial parasites like flies, ringworm, dice, fleas etc., which are immune to bactericides, which are also harmful to other living beings. Such insects, which are generally immune to ordinary reagents either get killed or are driven away, when they come in contact with the fumes of volatile oils like camphor diffused in the environment.

14.Spiritual significance of Yagya

The heat endowed in yagya is a source of immense energy. As this fire inflames, melts or sublimates all the gross substances inside, we too should burn out all our vices, ill-tendencies, lethargy, dullness and despair and energize our personality with the warmth of new zeal, alacrity, awareness and hope. The heat and energy of the yagya should be reflected in the active flow of our blood, our industriousness and our nimble and vigilant courage to fight against all evils.

15.It represents…

The ash produced by fire reminds us of the ephemeral and transient nature of life. We tend to forget this eternal fact and continue on the path of cravings and attachments…adding to our mistakes, infirmities and sins too. While putting the Yagya – bhasm on our head after the Yagya, we should ponder over the end of our present life and realize the importance of the time and breaths available to us now.

16.The sacred texts

The Yajur-Veda contains the knowledge of the principles and methods of performing yagyas as part of spiritual and scientific experiments for global welfare. The Sam-Veda focuses on the musical chanting patterns of the mantras that deal with the subtle forms of yagya pertaining to mental oblation in the deeper core of emotions.

17.Yajur Veda

The hymns nos. 1 to 29 in chapter 18 of the Yajur Veda describe Yagya as the basis of good agriculture, physical, mental and spiritual and intellectual progress, prosperity in the botanical kingdom of the earth, prosperity in food and cereals produce, good health and pure environment through removal of pollution.

18.Four hundred types of Yagyas

Four hundred yagyas are described in the Vedas, of which 21 are deemed compulsory. These compulsory Yagyas are also called nityakarmas. The rest of the yagyas are optional and are performed for kamyakarma (particular wishes and benefits). The Aupasana Yagya, though not a part of these 21, is still compulsory .

19.Rules of Yagya

Out of the 21 nityakarmas, only the Agnihotra and the Aupasana are to be performed twice daily, at dawn and at dusk. The remaining Yagyas are performed over the course of the year. The more complicated the Yagya, the less frequently it is performed. The most complex ones need to be performed only once in a lifetime.

20.Kinds of Yagyas

The first seven Yagyas are called Paka-Yagyas or cooked sacrifices. The next seven are called Havir-Yagyas or oblations (burnt offerings) related Yagyas and the remaining seven are called Soma-Yagyas.

Aphrodisiac Foods-natural love drug



Studies have found Asian and American varieties of the Ginseng herb to help libido and sexual performance. Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M, C.N.S., D.C. explains, “Ginsenglikely affects the central nervous system, 


Dr. Steve McGough, doctorate in human sexuality, adds that apples have also been associated with increased sex drive. A 2014 study suggested that eating an apple a day correlated with better sexual quality of life in young women


McGough also notes that there’s some impressive evidence for saffron’s effect on sex drive. Saffron’s history as an aphrodisiac dates back to Cleopatra, who reportedly bathed in saffron-infused milk for its aphrodisiac qualities. Recent studies have also shown that saffron also helps increase sperm motility in infertile men and can decrease some of the sexual side effects from taking certain antidepressant

Hot Chilies

Diana Hoppe, an MD and author of Healthy Sex Drive, Healthy You: What Your Libido Reveals About Your Life, says capsaicin, the stuff responsible for making chili peppers spicy, stimulates nerve endings on the tongue, which releases epinephrine (adrenaline) — the chemical that increases your heart rate and releases endorphins (natural opiates found in your body). Just make sure you’re eating them and not actually just, like, rubbing chili pepper on your partner’s body — the shit will sting


The high amount of vitamin E in asparagus can increase blood and oxygen flow to the genitals, Dr. Hoppe explains. There are also high levels of potassium — which is linked to sex hormone production. Plus, if the suggestive phallic shape of things also helps get you in the mood, then hey, good for you!


A sexy fun fact about your favorite $2 add on at Chipotle: The Aztec word for avocado is “ahuacatl,” which means “testicle.” But besides the sex-thetic appeal, Dr. Hoppe says avocados also contain high levels of folic acid, vitamin B9 (provides the body with more energy) and vitamin B6 (which helps increase testosteroneproduction).


Your least favorite phallic fruit to eat in public, Dr. Hoppe says bananas contain bromelain enzyme — believed to increase a man’s sex drive — as well as high levels of potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin B2 (supes important to keep your energy levels up while you bone


According to Dr. Hoppe, chocolate contains phenylethylamine — a stimulant that elicits excitement and a sense of well-being. The natural caffeine doesn’t hurt either. Make sure to get dark chocolate that’s at least 75 percent cacao to get the heart bennies too.


What can’t this superfood do (besides not cost an arm and a leg)? Poms are hella full of antioxidants, which are important to decrease inflammation and plaque from building in your arteries, and help deliver more blood flow to all areas of your body, including your genitals. Dr. Hoppe adds that there have also been some studies that suggest pomegranate juice may be helpful with erectile dysfunction (for that $8/bottle pricetag, it better, honestly).

Red Wine

Not only can it help you get in the mood, the resveratrol in red wine is a powerful antioxidant, which, again, helps decrease inflammation and helps quite literally get your blood pump


Not only have these been a symbol of fertility in art forever, they’re a prime source of beneficial fatty acids like omega-3, which, again, help with hormone production. Dr. Hoppe also adds that the aroma of almonds is purported to arouse passion in women


Vanilla doesn’t just smell sexy, Dr. Hoppe says it can also create an overall calming effect. No wonder all those late-night scoops of vanilla feel so damn good.


Besides conjuring up sexy memories of summer flings gone by, watermelon is also high in citruline, a phytonutrient, Dr. Hoppe says, that increases the amount of nitric acid in the body, which in turn increases blood flow, blood vessel relaxation, and sexual arousal.


TBT to ancient Greece, when Hippocrates used to prescribe honey for sexual vigor. This “liquid gold,” as Dr. Hoppe calls it, contains boron, which helps regulate hormone levels and nitric oxide (which helps increase blood flow during arousal). Nitric oxide also helps open up blood vessels involved in creating erections and clitoral engorgement


Similarly to chocolate, coffee’s caffeine increases stamina and can elevate mood (because who could be happy while struggling to keep their eyes open?). Dr. Hoppe also adds that coffee increases dopamine levels in the brain, the stuff that increases desire and pleasure.


While the legend says that strawberries originated from the heart-shaped tears of Aphrodite after she learned of her lover, Adonis’s death, modern-day strawberries are anything but a bummer. Dr. Hoppe says they’re loaded with vitamin C, which is important for the production of sex hormones and chemical neurotransmitters in the brain to increase libido. Plus, vitamin C can help keep your immune system up.


Another sexy fruit! Not only do they contain potassium and vitamin C, Dr. Hoppe explains that they also contain anthocyanins (the stuff responsible for giving them their red color), powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation and help maintain a healthy sex drive.

Whipped Cream

Just kidding! If anyone says this, they’re a liar. Dr. Hoppe says there’s no evidence of its aphrodisiac qualities (sorry, Josh from freshman year, you were wrong!), although she does mention that the light creamy texture could make for some creative lovemaking scenarios. Either way, you do you

Future space missions-nano-materials role

Future space missions aim to reach Mars and beyond, but many challenges must be overcome before this can be achieved – and nanomaterials will play a critical role. From bio-nano robot-laced spacesuits, to radiation shielding, to new means of travelling into space, research employing nanomaterials is underway.


Space travel

At present, 95% of the weight of a spacecraft at launch is fuel, leaving only 5% for the craft itself, payload and astronauts. Launching – and manoeuvring in space – relies on a chemical propulsion. But is there an alternative?

Electric propulsion (EP) uses electrical power to accelerate the propellant and could significantly reduce the volume of the propellant required to get into space, offering a chance to increase the payload or decrease launch mass. NASA’s Deep Space 1 and the ESA’s SMART-1 launches successfully demonstrated EP as their primary propulsion system.

A nanotechnology EP concept could utilise electrostatically charged and accelerated nanoparticles as a propellant – such a method would consume less fuel than chemical rockets and utilise electricity gathered from solar cells to generate electrical fields that push ions away from the spacecraft. It would employ a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) to accelerate nanoparticles, helping to reduce the weight and complexity of the thrusters. Furthermore, millions on micron-sized nanoparticle thrusters could fit on a square centimetre, meaning highly scalable thruster arrays could be fabricated with the ability to vary the number of MEMS devices drawn on depending on the requirements of the spacecraft.

But there could be another way to get into space – a space elevator. Such a structure requires an incredibly long cable – approximately 90,000 km – and would need to be stronger than any cable found on Earth. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a promising candidate. A CNT cable could be tethered to an asteroid in orbit and an anchor station on Earth while cars powered by solar cells travel up and down much like a vertical monorail. Many engineering challenges must be overcome before such an elevator could be established – namely how to get a 90,000km cable from A to B!

CNTs could also be used in lightweight sails that utilise the pressure of light reflecting on solar cells to propel spacecraft; this would negate the need to carry extra fuel for missions as only fuel for lift-off, docking and landing would be required. Such sails would need to be large yet light, and at present, how to unfold such a thin and fragile structure in space is proving challenging.

Protecting spacecraft and astronauts

NASA believes the risk of exposure to space radiation is the most significant issue restricting humans’ capacity for long-duration spaceflight. Nanotechnology could contribute to improving the spacecraft themselves, while also protecting both astronauts and equipment.

Nanotechnology could make spaceflight more practical: CNT composites could reduce the weight of spacecraft by providing a lightweight skin and internal structures while also maintaining or increasing structural strength. The future may also see self-healing spacecraft employing nanotechnology to repair damage sustained from meteors striking the craft, for example.

Multifunctional hulls are being designed that offer radiation protection and are low weight and structurally stable. Nanomaterials like boron nanotubes could be used in nanosensor-integrated hulls which, in addition to offering effective shielding and energy storage, could alert astronauts to stresses or damage in the spacecraft’s skin or improve onboard systems like life support by quickly reporting changes in levels of trace chemicals in the air.

Onboard electronic equipment also requires protection, and it’s been noted that electronic devices become more tolerant to radiation the smaller they are. Multi-quantum wells or dot devices are more radiation tolerant than larger, conventional devices. Quantum dots could be used in anti-satellite weapon countermeasures; a decoy of such dots of differing shapes and sizes engineered to emit radiation with a profile similar to that of the satellite could protect it from missile attacks.

Spacecraft and equipment aren’t the only things requiring protection – astronauts do too. Future spacesuits could feature layers of bio-nano robots which respond to damage in the suit, for example sealing a puncture in the outer layer. Robots in the inner layer could react if the astronaut is in trouble, providing drugs in a medical emergency for example.

There are still many other ways nanotechnology could help space travel – a network of nanosensors could explore large areas of planets like Mars for traces of water or other chemicals for example – but there many more challenges to overcome before we see some of these ideas launching into orbit.






Giloy And Its benefits

Giloy is a very versatile herb that can treat most of your health problems. Giloy can be used with castor oil to relieve gout. Not just gout, giloy with ginger can treat rheumatoid arthritis too. Arthritis is treated with giloy and ghee. Giloy is used with sugar to treat skin and liver diseases. It is also used with jaggery to treat constipation. Apart from these health benefits, giloy also boosts immunity and digestion, treats chronic fever, is effective against diabetes and cab treat eye disorders. In case of asthma, giloy can reduce its symptoms.

Benefits of Giloy And Its Side Effects


Giloy is a herb that is important in Ayurveda and is considered the queen of herbs. It has been used in Ayurveda since centuries to treat various diseases. There are few illnesses that giloy can’t cure. Giloy has often been called ‘Amruta’ – the Sanskrit term for nectar. Botanically, giloy is a deciduous creeper shrub that grows in tropical regions.

Nutritional Value of Giloy

The ability of giloy to treat a myriad of diseases says that it is high in nutritional content. It is abundant in alkaloids. Other bio-chemical substances found in giloy are steroids, flavonoids, lignants, carbohydrates and so on. Due to its high nutrient content, giloy is used to manufacture many herbal, ayurvedic and modern medicines.

Health Benefits of Giloy

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Giloy
Health Benefits of Giloy

Boosts immunity

Boosting immunity is the first and the most important benefit of giloy. It can rejuvenate the body too. Giloy contains anti-oxidant properties that improve health and fight dangerous diseases. It also flushes out free radicals and removes toxins from both the liver and the kidneys to improve health. In addition to all this giloy even fights bacteria that causes diseases in our body. It combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections.

Treats chronic fever

Giloy treats chronic fever and diseases. As it is anti-pyretic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life-threatening conditions. It increase the count of your blood platelets and alleviates symptoms of dengue fever as well. Giloy combined with little bit of honey treats malaria.

Boosts digestion

Indigestion is a common problem. Giloy can take care of the digestive system. Consuming half a gram of giloy powder with amla regularly can keep all digestive problems at bay. Having giloy juice with buttermilk will also be effective in this case. This remedy can also be used by patients suffering from piles.

Treats diabetes

India is the diabetes capital of the world with many people suffering from this common lifestyle disease .Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent so it will be effective for diabetic patients. It can lower the levels of blood sugar and lipids. This makes it very easy to treat type 2 diabetes. Patients with type 2 diabetes can consume giloy juice to in order to reduce high levels of blood sugar.

Treats Asthma

Asthma is one of the most dangerous diseases to afflict human beings. The symptoms are varied ranging from chest tightness to wheezing. What more, it is difficult to treat asthma. Giloy is useful against asthma and has been used by experts to treat asthma patients.

Treats gouty arthritis

Arthritis is a major ailment. Not only is it painful but it also restricts movement. Giloy contains anti-inflammatory as well as anti-arthritic properties that take care of arthritis and several of its symptoms, including joint pains.

Treats eye disorders

Eyes are one of the most important parts of our body. Giloy can be used to treat eye disorders. It boost clarity and helps you see better without spectacles. In some parts of India, people apply giloy on the eye lids regularly. Boil some giloy in water, let it cool and apply it on your eyelids .You will definitely see a change.

Reduces anxiety and improves mental strength

Giloy is often combined with other herbs to make an excellent health tonic. It not only clears brain toxins but also boosts memory. It also helps you improve your attention span. In this fast paced world where cut-throat competition is the norm, mental stress and anxiety is common. Giloy can reduce both mental stress and anxiety.

Giloy is an aphrodisiac

Giloy has the ability to improve your sex life. Giloy contains properties that boosts libido which affect your sexual relations.

Contains anti-ageing properties

Giloy can be used to treat signs of aging. It contains anti-aging properties that reduce dark spots, pimpleswrinkles and fine lines. It keeps your skin bright, young and beautiful.

Uses of Giloy

There are no alternative uses of giloy. The nutritional content of giloy is very high so it has been an integral and extensive part of medicine since ancient times. There is only one possible alternative use of giloy that is as a decorative plant to elevate aesthetic appeal. Giloy is a creeper so you can let it grow on at the side of your house as a decoration. You need to trim the creeper regularly to keep it in shape.

Side-Effects & Allergies of Giloy

Despite its many benefits, giloy is not devoid of side-effects. Consuming giloy causes constipation and stomach irritation. These side effects will occur irrespective of what form of giloy you consume – juice or supplement capsule. Giloy can also lower blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients should be cautious while consuming giloy. Giloy may also over-stimulate the immune system and make it over-active. When this happens, symptoms of diseases like lupusmultiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis increases. It is best to avoid giloy if you suffer from any of these diseases.

Cultivation of Giloy

Giloy is a medicinal herb that has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. It features extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of various diseases. It is a creeper that grows in tropical climates.



Anti Cancer Spices

1. Turmeric with Curcumin

Turmeric with CurcuminThe turmeric root has been harvested for more than 5,000 years and is popular in Asian dishes, especially those of India. It can be purchased fresh, in its root form (sometimes hard to find), or dried and powdered. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which studies have shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is widely believed to promote optimal liver function.

In addition, there are hundreds of scientific studies demonstrating how curcumin inhibits the growth of various cancer cells including colon, liver, pancreatic, bladder, stomach, kidney, blood (leukemia), prostate, ovarian, bone, brain, breast cancers, and even skin cancer. Curcumin triggers apoptosis, or programmed cell death, which is the body’s natural and necessary way of ridding itself from damaged cells.

In countries where people eat turmeric daily at about 100 to 200 mg (roughly 1-2 teaspoons) over long periods of time, research has shown there to be lower rates of certain types of cancer.

A 2007 US study using curcumin along with chemotherapy to treat bowel cancer showed that adding curcumin to the diet killed more cancer cells than chemotherapy alone. In another study, curcumin helped stop the spread of breast cancer in laboratory animals.

Despite the fact that curcumin has been extensively researched for decades and has demonstrated clear anti-cancer power in clinical trials, it is still not widely prescribed in cancer therapy as there is little financial incentive to do so. Drug companies cannot patent natural substances, and without a patent there is no profit. The good news is that you are still able to benefit from the power of curcumin by using turmeric liberally in your cooking.

Ways to Incorporate More Turmeric into Your Diet

Turmeric root has a light flavor and can be grated or chopped and added to recipes. Turmeric powder can be used on eggs, added to soups and sauces, or rubbed on vegetables or chicken. Chicken Curry is a flavorful dish that includes plenty of this bright yellow spice.

Chicken CurryAdding turmeric to vegetables and then roasting them adds both color and flavor. Coat veggies in olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper, and add turmeric, ginger, and cumin for a flavorful dish. This same recipe also works great as a marinade for grilled vegetables.

Curcumin is not soluble in water, only in fat. Therefore, it’s best to combine turmeric with a healthy oil such as extra virgin olive or coconut oil whenever possible in recipes. (Note: never use vegetable oils such as corn, soy, canola, sunflower, etc. as these are pro-inflammatory oils, contribute to cancer and are often rancid and genetically modified.)

It’s also highly beneficial to add black pepper to any recipe using turmeric. The chemical piperine in black pepper enhances the bioavailability of curcumin, thereby increasing its absorption into cells, including cancer cells.

Be aware that turmeric contains a very strong color that can easily stain your hands, clothes, and countertops. However it’s this intense pigment that also makes it great for adding color to plain white rice or cauliflower by sprinkling some turmeric on top. (Again, combine with a bit of healthy oil and a liberal sprinkle of black pepper for added benefit.)

healing teaTo make a healing tea, you can finely slice or grate fresh turmeric root. Add grated or sliced ginger root and steep in hot water. Sweeten if desired with local honey or green leaf stevia. The longer you steep, the more intense the color and flavor of your tea.

The possibilities are endless with this diverse spice and a little turmeric can easily be included in your daily cancer-fighting diet. 

2. Garlic with Allicin

Garlic belongs to a family of vegetables called alliums which also includes onions, leeks, chives, shallots, and scallions. These vegetables are clinically proven to have antimicrobial, antithrombotic (reduces the formation of blood clots), and antitumor applications.

The most recent research into alliums has focused on their potential anti-carcinogenic influences. Garlic has been demonstrated in studies to lower the risk of developing stomach, colon, prostate, and intestinal cancers. Garlic stops cancer cells by blocking the formation of and halting the activation of cancer-causing substances. Garlic is a strong antibacterial agent and has been shown to speed up DNA repair, kill cancer cells, and induce apoptosis.

GarlicGarlic has also been studied for its sulphur containing compounds, which have been found to be abundant in phytochemicals and flavonoids – both powerful anti-cancer substances.

A study done at the Amala Cancer Research Centre in India showed that garlic extract inhibited two-stage chemical carcinogenesis on the skin of mice. These results indicate garlic has the potential as an anti-cancer agent as well as an anti-tumor promoter.

The World Health Organization recommends eating approximately one clove of garlic every day. When preparing garlic, it is best to let it sit for 5-10 minutes after slicing, chopping, crushing, or mincing. This is because garlic contains two enzymes (alliin and alliinase) that are separated when the garlic clove is whole. When the cells are ruptured (through cutting, chopping, etc.) these two enzymes interact to form a new compound called allicin which has cardiovascular, antibacterial, and anti-cancer benefits. Allowing the cut garlic to sit for several minutes before adding other ingredients will increase allicin production.

Ways to Use More Garlic

Garlic is versatile and can be lightly sautéed with olive oil or butter and used in many dishes – meats, soups, sauces, or spreads.

Garlic is a wonderful addition to mushrooms, bell peppers, and onion as a topping for any meat dish. Alternatively, use chopped garlic and ginger together for an Asian-inspired taste in any stir fry. Crush or chop several cloves of garlic and finely chop a thumb-size piece of fresh organic ginger. Lightly sauté the garlic and ginger in some coconut oil in a wok or large frying pan and add in your vegetables of choice. (Eg. bell peppers, snow peas, mushrooms, broccoli, bok choy, etc.)


Salsa Verde with Raw GarlicSalsa Verde with Raw Garlic

Another way to add some raw garlic to your diet is in homemade salsa verde.


  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Zest & juice from 1 lemon
  • 1½ cups of chopped parsley
  • ½ cup capers (drained)
  • ½ cup of olive oil
  • 1 anchovy fillet


Finely chop the garlic in a food processor and allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes. Then add the anchovy, capers, lemon zest and juice. Add olive oil, then parsley and pulse a couple more times, leaving it somewhat chunky. Serve over plain chicken, fish, lamb, beef and vegetables. It can also be used to dress a green salad, or even eaten as is. Store leftover salsa in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator and aim for a serving size of approximately two tablespoons per day.

3 – Hot Peppers with Capsaicin

Hot PeppersA powerful antioxidant called capsaicin can be found in cayenne pepper and other hot peppers including habanero, chipotle, jalapeno, Anaheim, ancho, and Scotch bonnet peppers. Capsaicin has been shown in several laboratory studies to be toxic to cancer cells.

A study conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research reports that capsaicin is able to kill prostate cancer cells by forcing them to undergo apoptosis without harming healthy cells.

Another study in 2007 at the University of Nottingham in the UK found that capsaicin killed laboratory cultured lung cancer cells and pancreatic cancer cells. Researchers reported that capsaicin did no harm to surrounding tissue.

An earlier study in 2002 found capsaicin effective in inhibiting the growth of adult T-cell leukemia cells through the induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.

In addition to its cancer-fighting properties, capsaicin is also being studied for a wide variety of other medical uses including arthritis pain, neuropathic pain, and as a topical treatment for dermatologic conditions that have a painful itch such as psoriasis.

The hotter the chili pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. This is a case where you need to let your taste buds be your guide. If you’re not used to eating hot peppers, go slowly at first and build up your tolerance. Also be aware that there can also be a range of “hotness” between pepper varieties and even within the same variety of pepper. Therefore you may need to adjust the quantities used each time you cook with peppers.

The hottest varieties of peppers include habanero or Scotch bonnet peppers. Jalapenos are next in their heat and capsaicin content, followed by the milder varieties, including Spanish pimentos, and Anaheim and Hungarian cherry peppers. Since the capsaicin primarily resides in the seeds and fleshy white inner membranes of peppers, you can control much of the heat by removing these parts. Just remember that it’s capsaicin (the heat) that is considered responsible for most of pepper’s healing and anti-cancer properties.

Ways to Tap into the Anti-Cancer Heat with Hot Peppers

Hot peppers such as cayenne are great for adding some spicy kick to any dish. If you can find fresh that is best. If not, opt for organic dried powder. Hot peppers are great on fish, eggs, chicken, and in any of your favorite savory dips or snacks, including popcorn. Cayenne pepper and lemon juice also make great complements to cooked bitter greens such as kale, collard greens, and mustard greens.

A little chili pepper powder can perk up an omelet, add heat to a black bean or sweet potato soup, or transform an ordinary salad dressing. Add minced chili peppers to plain organic yogurt and use as a condiment or dip.

Pick up some fresh organic tomatoes and make your own homemade salsa using fresh jalapenos or other types of peppers.

Make your own version of the condiment Harissa, popular in some North African and Middle Eastern countries. Purée fresh chili peppers together with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, onion, coriander seeds, cumin, and caraway seeds. Harissa can be used as a condiment for grilled meat or fish, added to roasted vegetables, or mixed with cooked rice.

How to Make Your Own Hot Pepper Flakes

make your own hot pepper flakesInstead of buying hot pepper flakes, why not make your own? Either grow or purchase a selection of organic peppers (eg. chili peppers, cayenne peppers, jalapenos, Thai, habaneros, poblanos – mix & match whatever kinds you like).

Dehydrating hot peppers extends their shelf life and makes them easy to throw in recipes. Simply wash peppers and dry them out in your oven at 140 degrees Fahrenheit (on bake) until crisp (approximately eight hours) and then crush them up with a mortar & pestle.

Alternatively, if you have a food dehydrator, you’ll want to dehydrate them under 118 degrees Fahrenheit (47 degrees Celsius) to retain the enzymes within the peppers. Note: Heating food above 118 degrees Fahrenheit denatures the enzymes within foods. This is the basic premise of a raw food diet – to eat food with their enzymes.

Store your homemade dried pepper flakes in an airtight container to maintain freshness. (Small glass mason jars work great for storage). Add pepper flakes to homemade pizza, soups, and salads for extra zing and added cancer armor.

4 – Oregano with Carvacrol

OreganoThe popular Italian spice oregano is extremely antimicrobial, high in antioxidants, and has been shown to be a powerful parasite fighter as well as a cancer inhibitor. Ounce per ounce, fresh oregano has been shown in a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to have higher antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. For example, one tablespoon of fresh oregano was found to contain the same antioxidant activity as a medium-sized apple.

A beneficial phytochemical called quercetin is present in oregano and is known to slow cancer growth as well as promote apoptosis. Oregano also possesses a very special molecule called carvacrol. Carvacrol is a natural disinfectant that stifles the spread of cancer cells. Other herbs that contain carvacrol are thyme, basil, parsley, marjoram, and mint.

When foods are marinated using oregano (along with other ingredients), it helps to reduce the development of heterocyclic amines (HCAs). When meat and other fatty animal foods are cooked at high temperatures, HCAs can form which are carcinogenic.

Ways to Add More Oregano to Your Diet

Oregano tastes great in Mediterranean (Italian & Greek) cuisine. Other ways to include this spice is in chopped meat and on top of chicken. Add oregano to marinades, soups, and sauces. You can use oregano instead of basil to make a robust and savory pesto.

Create a “bouquet garni” (garnish bouquet) with washed fresh oregano leaves still on the stems. Tie the oregano to thyme, basil, parsley, rosemary, tarragon and/or bay leaves with a string. Drop the bouquet in a stock mixture and allow it to simmer until all the flavors are imparted into the stock. Use the stock as a base for chicken or vegetable soup.

Vegetarian options to make protein consumption a healthier process:

Proteins are the building blocks of your body. They are needed to form all your blood cells, making them an essential part of your diet. Proteins not only help keep your hair and nails healthy, they also build and repair tissues. Bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood, all require protein, which is not stored by the body. It is, therefore, important to keep consuming proteins in order to supply your body with sufficient amounts to stay in good health.
There are several reasons to consume vegetarian alternatives for protein, they are usually cheaper, good for the environment and lower in calories. They promote weight loss while providing you with enough protein to keep your cells happy.

1. Quinoa
Quinoa is an edible seed, eaten as a whole grain, which has fast become one of the most popular health foods. It is gluten-free, high in protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids. Packed with nutrition, Quinoa has high quantities of fiber and has a low glycemic Index that keeps blood sugar under control. Quinoa is also high in important minerals like Iron and Magnesium and is filled with antioxidants. Quinoa is high in protein, which increases metabolism and reduces appetite; this means that your body will feel full and you will be provided with all essential nutrients. So, start incorporating quinoa into your diet, to have a healthy weight loss.
2. Low fat Paneer
This definitely has to be termed as the favorite food of every Indian household. Relished by almost all age groups. Paneer acts as one of the excellent food to provide our bodies with a high quality of protein. Since the calories and proteins will also differ depending on from which milk it is procured. However, you must choose to have a low-fat panner made from cow’s milk. In addition, paneer is also a rich source of conjugated linoleic acid, a fatty acid also which will also contribute in the fat burning process giving you satiety and maintaining your weight for the long run.
cottage cheese
3. Pulses and Legumes
An Indian meal is a big miss if you don’t have a serving of a pulse onto your plate. From moong to arhar to rajma and chickpeas, they all are rich sources of protein and provide important nutrients such as fiber, folate, and zinc. These economical and plant – based source of protein can be healthy and a perfect choice for vegetarians and gym enthusiasts looking for that extra ounce of protein in their diet. Make interesting combinations with them by adding them to your salads, soups or pancakes or cheelas or add a bowl of regular Indian dal. Make sure while you prepare them to add don’t forget to add a minimum quantity of oil and a zing of tadka/ herbs making them a perfect meal for the dinner or lunch along with roti/ chapati or veggies. This ideal protein source is essentially recommended to be a part of a well-planned diet.
kidney beans
4. Milk
Milk, the most popular dairy product acts as a high biological quality of protein source. This nutrient – dense food is filled with protein along with an exceptional amount of calcium which can help you build stronger bones and lean muscles. On a weight loss program, one should opt for the skimmed milk or low-fat milk, which will be comparatively low in fat, providing you an adequate amount of protein. Since milk is also known to one of best muscle food, one must not forget to add this to their fitness regime. So add 1-2 glasses of this complete protein to your diet today!
5. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts such as almonds and walnuts will add a good amount of protein, and fiber to your diet. These heart nuts are packed with healthy fats along with manganese and Vitamin -E which will protect us from the free radicals and fight against inflammation.

Nanotechnology in Transportation

Nanomaterials exhibit different chemical and physical properties, such as nano range size, size distribution, surface area to volume ratio, various surface properties, shape, chemical composition and agglomeration state. These are not always apparent in bulk materials. Hence, it is not shocking that implementation of nanotechnology techniques in several industrial areas, such as cosmetics, medicine, food, transportation, construction materials, etc., have significantly grown in the last decade.

This article is on the applications of nanotechnology in transportation. When the size of a material is reduced to nanometer range, the chemical, physical and biological properties of the material change. They become entirely different from the properties of their atoms and molecules as bulk materials. These changes are due to a large surface area to volume ratio, spatial confinement, considerable surface energy, and reduced imperfection.

Higher hardness, super elasticity at high temperatures, improved breaking strength and increased fracture toughness are the important mechanical properties that are considerably improved, which results in the extended durability of machines, effective lubrication systems, lightweight materials, etc.

Applications of Nanotechnology in Automobiles

Nanotechnology is applied to car body parts like emissions, chassis, tires, automobile interiors, electrics, etc. Body part applications include paint coatings, lightweight parts, self-cleaning and scratch resistant nanopolymers.


Paint Coatings

Every body part is painted with a color, using different methods. Paintings are mostly done for attractive and protective purposes. Usually painting in automobiles has three coats – a primer, a basecoat, and a clear coat. However, in most cases, it varies from four to six layers to impart various properties into it.

Rust shielding, cost, appearance, and strength are the vital performance factors driving the automotive coating technologies. Modern automotive varnish processes mainly consist of five steps – pretreatment electrode positions, a sealer, a primer and finally the topcoats. Pretreatment cleans and removes excess metals and forms a surface for bonding of corrosion protective layers.

The corrosion protection layer is then deposited by the electrode position method. Sealer prevents water leaks and minimizes vibrational noise and chipping. The most common sealer is Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC).

The main purpose of a primer is the adhesion between the basecoat and the surface, and imparts anti-chipping properties. The primer acts as a protector from ultra-violet (UV) rays, corrosion, bumps, and stone chips.

The basecoat gives visual properties and color effects. The clear coat is the translucent and lustrous coating that has an interface with the environment. It can be either waterborne or a solvent and is chemically stable.

Gangotri D. L. et al., 2004 showed some developments in flame-retardant coating like titanium esters with aluminum flakes dispersed into binders. These can resist temperatures of up to 4000C. “Burn off” occurs above this temperature, which leads to the formation of a complex coating of titanium aluminum that deposits on the surface and it enhances the thermal resistance up to 8000C.

However, it is not enough to hold the devastating temperature of fire, and it results in great damage to vehicles and lives. Therefore, the need for better fire-resistant coatings is constantly growing. Chemical properties of flame retardant coatings can be enhanced by incorporating concentrates of nanosized magnesium aluminum layered double hydroxides (LDH). When a specific amount of LDH nanoparticles is dispersed with the paint solution, it improves the char formation and fire-resistant properties of the coating. The nano LDH will absorb the heat and sent out carbon dioxide and water when burns and thereby reduces the temperature of the surface in addition to enhancement in char formation.


It is a challenge for scientists and researchers to develop scratch and abrasion resistant coatings without affecting their other properties. Glasel et al. reported use of siloxane encapsulated SiO2 nanoparticles to produce a scratch and abrasion resistant films. Due to the homogeneous distribution of nanoparticles in the polymer, scratch resistance property can be improved without sacrificing any other properties.

Khanna A.S., 2008 showed the performance of the alumina NPS dispersed coating was compared with the neat coating and is expressed as X times improvement with the neat coating. The alumina NPS significantly improve the performance of the coating (up to nine times) even at a very low concentration of alumina dispersed in the composite coating. These types of nanopaints are already being used in different models of Mercedes Benz.

Light Weight Body Parts

Weight reduction of vehicles is one of the most discussed topics in the automobile research field. On the one hand, by reducing the weight, we can increase the fuel efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and production cost. It is estimated that by reducing the weight of an automobile by 10%, there will be fuel economy of 7%. On the other hand, while reducing the weight there will be a problem related to stability, crash resistance and smooth working, which is a great concern for the safety of the vehicle.

Many developments had done in this field like reducing the number of engine components and using lower weighted parts, but they failed to coordinate both the efficiency and safety. The materials near to the engine parts should possess high thermal resistance, whereas the exterior and structural parts should be made of materials that have high mechanical strengths.

However, commonly used materials like thermoplastics have limited mechanical properties and thermal resistance; therefore, it can be used only after modified by reinforcements. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have very less weight and around 150 times stronger than that of steel. Therefore, CNTs are a good substitute for steel in automobile parts which give us more strength and weight reduction.

Addition of nanoscale clay in a polymer matrix can develop a nanocomposite which is used to manufacture automobile parts near to the engine as they have good thermal properties. Clay nanocomposites with PP (Polypropylene), PA (Polyamide), PB (Poly butylene terephthalate), and PC (Polycarbonates) are the commonly used polymer nanocomposites [20]. When these nanoscale clays are mixed with polymers, their flame retardance and thermal resistance will increase.

  • Engines: By coating the cylinder wall with nanocrystalline materials we can reduce abrasion and friction and in turn the fuel consumption. There are research projects going on, which aim to directly coat tracks of the aluminum crankcase with nanomaterials. Iron carbide and boride nanocrystals with size 50 nm to 120 nm are used to coat the engine parts which result in an extremely hard surface with very low friction.
  • Tires: Sanjiv T., 2012 reported the first nanomaterial that added to the tire was carbon black as a reinforcing element and pigment. Silica and soot are the most important ingredients used in the tires as reinforcing element. By adding soot in nanoscale higher fuel efficiency and prolonged durability is achieved as they have coarser surface than those we use in ordinary tires. As nanoparticles have high surface energy, the interaction of the soot nanoparticles with natural rubber in the tires is high which leads to better rolling resistance and reduced inner friction.
  • Reflecting mirrors: Ultra reflecting a thin layer of aluminum oxide having a thickness less than 100 nm is applied to the surface of mirrors and headlights. This makes the mirrors to equip surfaces with fat, dirty water and repellant features. Hydrophobic and oleophobic nanometer layers are applied over the surface of the mirrors by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Mainly fluoro-organic material layers of thickness 5–10 nm are used as they have high resistance to friction and are applicable for longer times. To prevent the problems created by the light of other vehicles falling on our eyes at night, nanotechnology and electrochromic properties are applied together.
  • Interiors: We interact mostly with the interior parts of the automobile such as seats, door paddings, dashboard, airbags, seat belts, boot carpets, etc. These are the place where microbial and bacterial infections are most common. Since the interior is the place of an automobile where we interact mostly, it should be free from all bacterial and microbial infections. The most important nanostructured antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are silver, gold, titanium oxide, zinc oxide, titania nanotubes, gallium, liposomes loaded nanoparticles and copper nanoparticles. They are commonly used as incorporated nanoparticles in a matrix such as silica network. The action of these nanoparticles is initiated either by a photocatalytic reaction or by the biocidal process.


Application of Nanotechnology in Marine Transportation

The function of marine transportation ranges from passenger traveling, weapon carrying platform, cargo carrier, and numerous others. The main problem in marine transportation is corrosion of the ship by sea water and atmosphere. Stainless steel which is a good corrosion resistant in normal atmosphere even will undergo partial corrosion in sea atmosphere.

Another problem in water transportation is the marine microbial fouling and erosion in the bottom of the ship and waterline area due to a long soak in water. All these will adversely affect the reliability of the ship survivability at sea. US-based researchers have found that usage of advanced nanoscience technology of ‘cyromilling’ in the processing of aluminum gives superior material for light and tough applications.

The cyromilling process introduces nanosized aluminum in the conventional one and forms nanoscale aluminum oxide and nitride particles which makes them stronger and stabilizes its microscopic structure and orientation which makes them an efficient alternative for making aluminum hull where high strength and light weight are highly desirable. Metal oxide nanoparticles of TiO2, ZnO, MgO, and Al2O3 added to paint coatings and fibers increase the ultraviolet blocking and antimicrobial properties which can be used for better coatings and fibers.

By the application of nanotechnology, it is made possible to make transportations more efficient, smart looking, stronger and durable.